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An Armourer' Letter to his Client, 1473

Posted: Thu Oct 27, 2022 9:25 pm
by Sean M
The Paston letters include a letter from Martin Rondelle, armourer of Bruges, to one of the Sirs John Paston (probably John Paston II who died in 1479). You can find a transcription with some possible typos here. Every so often I try to finish translating it. Since there will probably be a translation in Toby Capwell's next book, I thought I would start posting my translation here.

Martin Rondelle must have been respected (or good at selling himself) because he was armourer to Antoine the Bastard of Burgundy
Item, en houltre, je ay entendut que vous voulles avoir unng harnax complet.
Another item: I have understood that you want to have a complete harness.
Com je prins vostra mexure dernierement quant vous fustes en ceste ville de Bruges, saichies que je ay en quor vostre mexure de toutes lez piesces;
Because I took your measure previously when you were in this city of Bruges, you know that I have in heart (quor) your measure for all the pieces
pour quoy, se il vous plaist que je la vous fasa, je la vous faray de bon ceur, et tout cella que il vous plaira avoir fait;
which is why, if it pleases you that I make it for you, I would do it in good heart, and all that which it pleases you to have made;
et au regard du pris, je faray tellement que vous seres content de moy pour tant quant il vous plaira lesiem savoir queles piesses que vous voles avoir, et la faisson et le jour que vous la voles avoir
and with regard to the price, I will do so much (tellement) that you will be satisfied with me as soon as it pleases you to let me know which pieces you want to have, and the style (la faisson) and the day on which you want to have them ...
par quelcun aqui je puis in chauder en nom de vous, et qui me ballia argant de sus, je feray si bien que se Dieu plaist vous vous loeres de moy.
by someone with whom I can speak (chauder = Modern French chatter?) in your name, and in addition (de sus) who will pay me money, I will do so well that if God pleases you you will will employ me.

My translation fades out here (translated above paragraph on 13 January 2023 - ed.)
Aultre chiox ne vous say que mander pour le prexent, senon que je prie a Dieu que il vous doint ce que vostre ceur desir.
I will continue this thread, but does anyone have thoughts on the translation or the bits I am struggling with?